Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Bibledoorajar remembers godly heritage in the face of danger

     I recently had a conversation with a young woman who told me that her ex-husband sent her and her son a letter from the prison where he is incarcerated. He signed the letter with a common skinhead closure which included lightning bolts around his signature. The son was infuriated that he would send a letter to them that reflected such hate for certain peoples. Though young, her son confronted his father. I find this a brave act, but a sad one, that a son would have need to correct his father. The mother and I spoke about how good it was that the son recognized racism at such a young age and
about how sad it was to know this about one's father. I silently prayed that the son would be safe in his father's presence and that as he grew he would continue to condemn his racist behavior.
     When we think of Mordecai being so hated by Haman, it is good to remember his godly heritage. Moses had prophesied over his tribe's (Benjamin) future:
       The BELOVED of the Lord shall dwell in
SAFETY by HIM, and the LORD shall
cover him all day long, and he shall
stand between HIS SHOULDERS.

     This is a wonderful heritage because Mordecai and his people are indeed standing in need of covering. Haman is trying everything he knows to do to kill God's people. He consulted the occult (PUR) about a successful date on which the Jews could be killed. The occult spoke: "In the month of Adar on the 13th day, you can successfully annihilate God's people". Haman's confidence soared.

     Another son of Benjamin covers us. We are his beloved because we love Him. We can dwell safely in Him and He will cover us all day long.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bibledoorajar Looks at Discerning God's Will About People

     For Christians, each of us has to decide which people (kingdoms) to honor. When Saul was leading the Jews in the battle for God's will among people, he was called upon to distinguish among the peoples. Amidst the battle against the Amalekites (Agagites), Saul paused to make sure he and the Jews did no harm to the Kenites who were descendants of Jethro who so aided Moses as he led the children of Israel from Egypt. This was a noble and absolutely right thing to do. However, Saul did not show the same wisdom when he captured Agag. God's will was that he be completely annihilated because of the degree of his evil toward the purposes of God. I think Saul's problem was that he did not know his God intimately enough to absolutely do his will on all occasions. "Know the king intimately and enjoy Him forever---Ps. 16:11." Saul knew his God but did not always want to pursue mutual enjoyment with Him. Consequently, he made a terrible mistake that not only interrupted his relationship with God, but placed God's people in continuing peril.
     Just as Esther was seeking the king with all her heart, with all her mind and with all her soul knowing that he was sovereign and in control, so Mordecai was pursuing God. Mordecai incensed Haman because he refused to worship anyone or thing above God. We must realize that there are just some  people like Haman who are going to be incensed about our devotion to the will of God. It is of more interest to them that we worship differently. But, faith in God often calls for sacrifice. Honor of some peoples and their ways simply cannot take place. Christians are called to give honor to whom honor is due. This is a key component to victory.
     So evil were the Amalekites, that God had sworn perpetual war with them. Now, everyone was bowing down to Haman except Mordecai. This infuriated Haman. When "friends" encouraged Mordecai to follow through and bow down, Mordecai proclaimed that he was a Jew and as a Jew he could not dishonor his God in that way. Be careful what you tell so called "friends" because, as we will see in our story, the "friends" went straight to Haman with the news that Mordecai was a Jew. Everyone was watching to see who would be victorious in the battle, Mordecai or Haman. But here's some of the difference.

Mordecai                                        Haman

resolved and brave                    prideful and evil

Our heavenly Mordecai was resolved and brave that day that Satan came to Him and tempted Him. He withstood the prideful evil Satan by proclaiming the truth of God's word. God help us to be so resolved and brave when our enemies tempt us.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bibledoorajar Admires Esther's Calm Spirit

     After the purification process, Esther was pleasant to be with and was not a silly young girl. The king realized how special she was and set the royal crown on her head making her his queen. He gave a great feast in her honor throughout His kingdom. Then, just when it seemed that things were going so well for Esther, intrigue entered her life. It seems that Mordecai overheard two of the king's doorkeepers planning a plot to assassinate the king. Mordecai advised Esther and she was able to tell the king what her uncle Mordecai had overheard. The plot was exposed and the plotters were hanged. The failed event and the name of the man who had exposed it were recorded in the king's chronicles. At about this same time, the king elevated a man named Haman who was an Agagite (Amalekite) to be his prime minister. He was the king's number 1 person and he could act in the king's absence. The fact that Haman was even on this scene was due to Israel's unwillingness to obey God to the letter. Amalek was a grandson of Esau. His clan attacked the children of Israel as they came out of Egypt on the way to the mountain of God. They became eternal enemies of Israel. Agag (the ancestor of Haman) descended from this clan. King Saul was told by God to kill Agag after he was captured but Saul did not. Before the prophet Samuel could catch up to Agag and kill him,  Agag had had opportunities to sire more children. Now Haman, his descendent, was poised against Mordecai, Saul's descendent.

Saul Vs. Agag                                 Mordecai Vs Haman

Partial Victory                           Full Victory over Agag's seed

     How will the victory be won?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bibledoorajar sees Esther getting stronger through humility

     "What can wash away my sin?...."

     Esther had been thoroughly washed and anointed. She was ready to approach the King as he sat on his throne. She had waited until she was ready and had not gone before the king prematurely and unprepared. She had met Hegai's every requirement to become fully prepared. She had also met regularly in the courtyard with her uncle Mordecai during those days of preparation. He had reinforced two things in her mind which might have seemed strange to Esther. However, she took his wishes to heart: 1) do not tell the King you are a Jewess; 2) do not tell the king you are related to me.

     Many women came before the king but still he waited for that special someone. 

"Waiting, I keep waiting, still anticipating love,
Never hesitating to become the fated ones,
Turning every turn to some secret place to hide,
Watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say, my love

Take my breath away..."
Moroder and Whitlock

     Scripture says that when with Esther, the king loved her more than any of the other women and he gave her grace and favor.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace,
that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Hebrews 4:6