Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bibledoorajar Looks at the Beloved's Understanding

     The country girl has enjoyed the excellent provisions of the king. His wine has given her great joy and gladness. Now, she is beginning to see him and him only. The king really likes her singleness of purpose. He describes her as a lily among thorns. More and more, she must praise him. The king issues a solemn warning: his beloved is not to be disturbed!

     As we end this section on resting in the king's presence, we must begin to see ourselves, too, as lilies among fallen mankind. The Father has warned those thorns who would like to disturb us---the lovesick are not to be disturbed! Those who seek to disrupt our peace and safety can expect harsh judgement if they do so. But we, the lilies, must also realize that our lives must be truly submitted to our king. This requires our full consecration. We have chosen a new life, one that is filled with resurrection power if we obey His voice. Therefore, we too, have a responsibility to not allow the thorns to interfere with the sweetness of our communion with Him and our participation in palace life. As it says in the Song:

      "I have PUT OFF my coat, how shall I put it on?:   Song 5:3

Or, as Lou Reed expressed it in his song, Perfect Day, our declaration should be:

      I'm in the race but I've already won
      And getting there can be half the fun
      So don't stop me till I'm good and done
      Don't you try to rain on my perfect day.
      It's the perfect day.

May God help us to see all of our days with the King as perfect!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bibledoorajar wishes all a Merry Christmas

     Well, our country girl has come a long way. She started out in the country working not so productively and being harassed by her brothers. Now she is in the palace of the king telling others about this great man she has met. Now she knows her sweet shepherd is none other than the king. How vast are his resources and she has come to enjoy them all. Now her hope is to become someone fit for palace life.

And so the seasonal hymn says of our world and its' hope:

      Long lay the world in sin and error pining
      Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
      A thrill of hope, the weary heart rejoices
      For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
      Fall on your knees, O hear the angels voices
      O night divine, O night when Christ was born.
      O night, O night divine, o night when Christ was born.

Bibledoorajar wishes all its readers a merry and spiritually fulfilling Christmas.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bibledoorajar witnesses the state of the beloved's heart

    The country girl remains with the man who was called to be a lover of God. Now, he is saying he will give her all she needs to become his beloved and to become a lover of the God of Israel. Her heart believes and she is beginning to rest in his love.

      For the church, rest in Christ for you/me is a major victory. Giving of one's heart to Christ completely is  the most important work of grace. At this advent season, the words of Gustav Hoist come to mind.
The words are in his poem: In the Bleak Mid-Winter.

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty winds made moan
earth stood hard as iron
water like a stone.

Snow had fallen, snow on snow
snow on snow
In the bleak mid-winter
long ago.

Our God, heav'n cannot hold him
Nor earth sustain
heav'n and earth shall flee away
when he comes to reign.

In the bleak mid-winter
a stable-place sufficed
the Lord God Almighty
Jesus Christ.

Angels and archangels
may have gathered there
cherubim and seraphim
thronged the air.

But only his mother
in her maiden bliss
worshipped the BELOVED
with a KISS.

What can I give Him
poor as I am
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb.

If I was a wise man
I would do my part
Yet what can I give him
Give my heart.

May God continue to grant us all the grace to give our hearts as well so that our righteousness may kiss the King of Peace. Amen.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bibledoorajar basks in the love

Within the king's chamber, the country girl is becoming more comfortable. She remains very aware of her natural state which she had previously characterized as "blackness". But, she is also becoming more and more aware of the effects of the beautifying changes that have come as a result of rest, growth and the amazing attention given to her by her lover, the king. Seen by the king as a beautiful person, and not just a part of his property, is increasingly both amazing and entrancing. She no longer wants to be described in the unflattering manner which  her brothers use to describe her. She wants the inside changes she is making to be reflected in her exterior image and for that to be reported. And still the king gives---encouragement, promises, commendations. The king has encouraged her to follow the steps of the flock who have learned the way. This experienced flock not only has natural beauty and strength, but wisdom and merit grown deep inside. This is to be her way to live for the remainder of her life.

It is to the wisdom and merit of faith in God's love and authority that Jesus appealed in His earthly ministry. He encouraged, promised and commended the flock of Jewish believers who lived to become God's mature flock. Follow them, He said, not the externals of the immature.

The changes in the country girl, not yet fully developed, are beginning to attract attention. She is asked questions about the changes she is experiencing. "Help us understand. What is so amazing about your lover?" Words may fail to grasp its' fullness, but she labors on to express all that her lover is becoming to her. As we enter the Advent Season, believers everywhere are grasping for words to share with the world that the infant born in Bethlehem is the same who came to love us as we have never been loved before. Like the questioners in the Song, may the understanding of many be increased during this season. Here are just a few words we believers can borrow.

        He rules the world, with truth and grace
        And makes the nations prove
        The glories of His righteousness
        And wonders of His love and
        wonders of His love and
        wonders and wonders, wonders of His love!

And the women of Jerusalem responded: "Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink! Yes, drink deeply of your love! (Song 5:1 ff).