Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bibledoorajar looks at the provisions in the house which Solomon built

The queen of Sheba had seen things about the house Solomon built and about his kingdom that others were yet to see. But sooner or later even queens get hungry and must have what is necessary to sustain life. The queen had an opportunity to see and taste the food which Solomon had set for his table. The meat was particularly excellent and was the main part of the meal. Other food and drink was available which complemented and amplified the meat. It was the most excellent cuisine and was served in abundance. One can easily conjure up a mental picture of the queen coming to table and finding food, the right food, and seeing it presented in a most appealing way. When she experienced the taste of the food, it was rich, sumptuous and inexhaustible. Solomon had seen that the food was more than would have been expected and that it would be totally satisfying to all partakers. The queen could eat item by item and be delighted, but still see that there was so much more to eat and enjoy. The food could not only be enjoyed by the queen personally but she could also discuss its' excellence and merits with others because she had tasted it herself. She was impressed and found it all very fulfilling. That was good, because any of us can be sorely disappointed if food does not meet our needs or give us enjoyment. Good food, pleasantly presented is a very uplifting experience which contributes to growth and adds a deeper dimension to life. The Queen tasted (perceived) that the king's food was good but the tasting (experiencing) took things even further. She KNEW it was good.

God has always been interested in His people getting excellent food. In the Garden, He encouraged Adam and Even to eat of the good trees in the garden, the ones that were pleasant to the sight and good for food including, most importantly, the Tree of Life. But God strongly said they were not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because their perception would be that it was not pleasant and they would experience all manner of hatred, murder, mayhem and sinfulness. But they did eat of it and they died spiritually in that garden. God then had to insist that they eat of the heavenly gift of the Tree of Life. In tasting it, they would see that it was good (Ps. 34:8). Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, would get a little beside himself when Christians did not want to leave the "milk" and move on to taste the "meat" which God had provided. He said in the book of Hebrews that tasting the heavenly gift was enlightening and would help Christians understand the powers of the world to come (which, after all, is where we will be spending a great deal of time). He said in effect, "eat the meat and grow up to perfection".

Today, a sinner can look on the cross, the terrible tree that man made to kill Jesus, and recognize his own sin and death. But praise God, if the sinner accepts the work Jesus did there, he gets to feast on Him in an unending way and see that HE IS GOOD! God wants His people to have good food and much more than milk! Paul said that teachers had a great responsibility to make sure that they were providing God's people with good food presented in an appealing way. Jesus has made the feast ready. Let's eat with gusto!

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