Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King, but first let's think more about the Queen's journey. Archaeologists think they have found the site where she held court in modern Yemen. The excavation work is in progress now. Wouldn't it be special if they found some archaeological evidence of her visit with the king of kings? It might be said that the Queen is not only famous for testing him and documenting his glory for others, but also for having traveled from the ends of the earth (1400 miles) to do so. I am on just such a journey that is taking me from this earth to a destination far away. The sites I will behold when I arrive will be worth every bit of the travel time. Do you feel the same way? To travel 1400 miles at 20 miles a day by camel, no matter what the royal accoutrements, was to be highly motivated. It would have been a good six months after leaving home when the Queen caught her first glimpse of the man she really, really wanted to meet. Having personally traversed the deserts in that part of the world, some on a camel, I know her desire to meet him was great! She knew success herself, what with being a Queen, but the glory she sought was much greater than she possessed.
The Queen had learned about the King's glory from others, probably traders from her country who, upon their return, spoke with her about how Solomon dealt with people. He was in the process of building a great kingdom. He employed many carpenters, masons and craftsmen in his service and they would have needed the best materials from around the known world. The traders spoke of how wisely Solomon administered this project---always wisely, always calmly, but always clearly. He knew what he wanted and he had the power to get it. Such power and wisdom was astounding to hear about. So it was with the Samaritan lady. When Jesus wisely knew that not only was she not married but that she had had five husbands, the lady was blown away! Any stranger who knew that about her had to be someone very unique and special indeed--and it was worth knowing more about the gift he was willing to give.
The Queen had learned that the king's kingdom was the most prosperous ever known to man. I find it wonderful that the King of Glory is building the most prosperous kingdom ever. When we get there I can hear us all speaking at once, look, look, look! Already, the gifts He shares through the Holy Spirit are astounding. Join with me this week in expressing to Him just how much we love being a part of His kingdom. Let's pray its' borders and glory will be extended. Let's do all we can to help make that happen. This is how Solomon's Dad expressed his love of the kingdom:
"How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yea, even faints for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God" (Psalm 84)
And this is what Jesus said:
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
Thanks, Maggie. Isn't our Queen beautiful?
ReplyDeleteShe is beautiful indeed!! Another great job! We are so blessed!
I was so glad to have the opportunity! Thank you so much for the kind words! It is my pleasure to travel to worship with such wonderful people each week. I look forward to next week's lesson.