Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Disobedience to the Max

At this point in the story of the march to freedom, the father-in-law of Moses shows up with the leader's wife and children. He had been caring for them for a long time and it was all because of disobedience on several levels. It seems that the wife, Zipporah, did not think much of God's circumcision requirement for the boys. Moses did not insist so it was not done. But God's requirements should not be overlooked. Following the disobedient acts, God struck Moses with what most scholars believe was a debilitating disease. It must have been clear to Zipporah as to what was the cause of his husband's serious weakness, because she picked up a flint and proceeded to circumcise the child. But there was no humbleness before God and Moses about the matter. She screamed throwing the foreskin at Moses feet, "Surely you are a  bridegroom of blood to me." And there they split company over the issue. Zipporah could not sing of the goodness of obedience to God and the ways of His provision. Zipporah and the boys went to her father's and Moses met Aaron in the desert to start the walk to freedom. It was a sad split.

There are many today who reject the bridegroom of blood whom the Father has given. The shedding of blood is a repulsion to them or, at a minimum, not important. But accepting the bloody Bridegroom and being obedient to Him and His Father is of ultimate importance. He will be the only One who can bring us along on the walk to freedom. Only by accepting the blood, do we get the wonderful help of The Spirit. To try to walk to freedom alone, in our own good works, will avail nothing.  We might as well go on back to our earthly father's house.

"Why did He drink the bitter cup, of sorrow, pain and woe?
Why on the cross be lifted up, because He loved me so."
J.G. Dailey

"In answer to the call of love, He loved me with a cross"
Larnelle Harris

Monday, July 4, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Walk to Freedom

     As Americans stop today to remember the events that led to our independence and freedom from England, it is a good thing for Bibledoorajar to pause and remember that God has engineered a walk to freedom for His people. In our current story, God is, over time, demonstrating His great love and mercy for His people by leading them through the wilderness to freedom. There may be battles, but a Promised Land awaits. Nations may have their problems but those which fight for freedom for their citizens to be free of tyranny is a wonderful thing. Here in America we can sing God bless America without fear of reprisal. And, more importantly, we can stand up and say we hear the Voice of the Lord calling us onward on a specially designed path into the ultimate freedom.
     The apostle Paul writing to the Galatians wanted to make sure they understood the freedom that God had provided to them through the work of Jesus Christ. Many were unclear as to just how to complete the walk to freedom. They were adding a great deal of works to what God had done through Jesus. Paul said that there may be people who were doing that and that that was they choice (freedom), but that it would not pay off for God's people. Jesus was the One and Only Way! There was only one Gospel pleasing to God and it could not be perverted.  He declared that they were included in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was the gospel that sought to honor God for His provision, not man's attempt to provide many other means of providing freedom that in reality just provided more bondage. Paul had "been there and done that" in Judaism and God had authorized him to declare the Gospel of Christ to be very different. He said the perverted way might please men, but not God. Even an angel from heaven could not preach the perverted gospel in a way that would please God!
     So today, Christians can thank God for the freedom we have in Christ. It is a freedom to seek Him for glory and honor and immortality in Heaven. Paul says the glory we experience now in praising God for our freedom to be near Him is just the beginning. We are moving from glory to glory if we are open to the provision. All true messages about our Gospel should deepen our love for Christ's provision  and for our brothers and sisters. Reject all perversions! Happy Celebration of July 4th, yes for Americans, but greater, Happy Celebration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!