Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Food at no cost

     Tomorrow many of us will take the time to honor the memory of those who sacrificed themselves for the good of the many. On the Main Street of our little town, a sign reads: "All gave some, some gave all." It is good to stop and think of what we have received at no cost to us personally.
      God gave the people of Israel manna to eat at no cost. It was a gift from Him and He gave it freely over and over. Jesus was given by God as Bread from Heaven. He was(is) a gift at no cost. God has ensured that His Word has been sustained in the world by seeing that it has been translated into many, many languages and dialects. Spiritually eating is available to us at no cost. If eaten appropriately, the Bread of Heaven sustains us until we can eat again.
     Tomorrow I will spend Memorial Day with a family who will remember those of their family who served in the.military. One of the main ones on their mind will be the aunt who sacrificed her life in Italy as she cared for wounded soldiers at Anzio. The incoming missed the Red Cross on the tent apparently or perhaps the enemy just did not care. Her fellow nurses called her Tex. She died instantly.
     But tomorrow those of us who are Christians will also remember the ultimate no cost sacrifice that God's Gift made for us. He freely died for you and me that we might survive if we choose to feed on Him and the truth found in His Word.
Happy Memorial Day

Monday, May 23, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Gathering

     It seems that God wanted a little participation from His people when it came to their sustenance. He did not miraculously make them full at all times (although He certainly had that power), but rather set the scene for the people to have to expend their own effort in procuring the manna. Though not far from their door, it had to be gathered. That is, old and young had to leave the confines of their chosen state and go outside and gather the manna. The Bible says that in addition to the manna only lasting so long like hoarfrost it looked kind of like coriander seed and tasted sweet like honey. It must have been quite a scene watching all those Israelites outside gathering up the little stuff from heaven.
     Yesterday in Bible class those of us who gathered were busy dissecting and finding out as much as we could from a passage (1 Cor. 12). At one point someone said, this is really good stuff. Is there a writer who could right some of this down? The point was as each gathered (made another comment) we all began to feel the nourishment and wanted to preserve it in writing.  However, if the truth be known, even if written down, it probably would not provide the same nourishment as we were getting at the moment. Perhaps a time would never come when the words would be read again. And then the writer would just be frustrated.
      God seemed to sense that about His people. Each piece of manna, though small, was round and completely tasty and nourishing for the moment. So it is true of God's written word, the Bible. Each portion, when gathered,  is tasty and nourishing for the moment. Its' strengthening is appreciated at the time, but the depth of it's helpfulness may be used up soon as we go about our lives. And that is when we need to gather again. We need to find another complete round portion of the Word and take it in. Sweeter than honey? Better than wine? Life-giving? Complete in it's message?
     Years ago Willie Nelson wrote a song called Family Bible. As the song goes, the Bible sat on the table and the father would summon the family to the table to gather and share a portion of its' contents. Those participating may not have remembered all the nourishment they got at each gathering, but the writer makes it clear that the gathering was sustaining and full of meaning.  Especially, when Mother felt so good afterwards that she sang Rock of Ages cleft for me. Know from where your next portion will come?

Monday, May 16, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Just Enough

     On yesterday I participated in a big family feed. Food was cooked by various members and placed before the entire group to eat. Every adult had appropriation on their mind because one member had just been advised by his M.D. to leave off most salt. Dishes were a bit different from usual since they were flavored with salt free herbs and spices. The patient appropriated his plate differently from the rest because he was the most conscious of his situation. However, all the adults were aware because we all had heard the wisdom in the M.D.'s message.
     When God sent the manna, he was clear as to how it should be appropriated. In short, the manna would only last for a portion of time and the people would need to appropriate it again. They could not gorge on today's meal and expect it to last nor could they store it up for future use for it would decay too rapidly.
     Just about every Sunday, our preacher speaks of how good it is for us to be together in order to appropriate the spiritual food we each have to share with each other. He places great value on what occurs in our class, as we gain from mutual insight of the spiritual food being discussed. But he frequently challenges us to not try to live on that day's appropriation, but rather to study the scriptures throughout the week for further nourishment. We hear the wisdom of that challenge, but often we fail to pursue the necessary appropriations throughout the week. It is a spiritual challenge for all of God's people. Poor eating, poor living. Good nutrition, vigorous life. What's on your spiritual menu this week? Eat just enough to be blessed. Have some more tomorrow.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Bibledoorajar: Manna Miracle

     The solution that God had for His people to eat was that the specially imbued food would totally come from Him. No matter where they pitched their tents, the manna would be there for them. It was and would always be a gift from heaven. There was nothing they could do to make it appear. They were not to dig, cultivate, look for a tree or plant or anything like that. It's appearance would always have a miraculous component to it. How was it always there, come rain or shine? How did it follow the children of God from place to place for forty years? It was supernatural.
     I just returned from a vacation that took me to America's most desert and extreme rocky areas. I was challenged to understand how it was necessary for the Indians to be constantly on the move in search for something to eat. Their food, and later that of the pioneers, did not just appear each day. It was a constant search that lay before them. In some instances of that history, snatch and run took place as people sought to consume the same natural resources.
     For God's people in the wilderness, there would be no need to snatch and run although we will learn later that some did. The same God who miraculously delivered them from Egypt would provide food daily for heaven. The same God that they had sung so gloriously about would feed His people. The miracle would continue and the miraculous aspect of it was paramount.  His power and His Position in the universe  and His great love and concern must be realized anew each day.
     After Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper and returned to Heaven, believers began the process of learning the benefits of sharing the feast together. Some, coming from pagan backgrounds, took longer to understand than others. The wanted to snatch and run thinking only of themselves and satisfying their physical hunger. They were not giving much thought to the whether  their  brothers and sisters were served or not. Nor were they giving much thought to the fact that the Supper was to be a love feast with Jesus not a time to gorge oneself. The focus was on themselves as individuals, yes, but only in the context of community sharing and honoring God's Bread that He so graciously sent from Heaven for all who would believe. This love feast can be available wherever we pitch our tents and the miracle of it will continue on earth until Jesus returns.
     On yesterday, the Lord's Day, it was my privilege as a child of God to share this feast with others of like mind. Once again, we focused again on the miraculous provision of our Savior. That God is nourishing us and that we will be sustained. On this, we cannot fail, if we keep our eyes on the miraculous.

"Tis set, the Feast Divine"