Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bibledoorajar Speaks of Resistance and God's Loving Kindness

Moses had received two signs to give him assurance that God would be the One who intended to use him to free His (his) people. But still Moses demurred at the suggestion that he could get the job done. This human failing is something that can push God's button and it did in this instance. God got angry with Moses' and his multiplying resistance. But here is the good thing; He also heard in Moses a cry for help. He listened as Moses commented on his poor speaking ability. God had found him adequate, but not Moses. So, O.K. Moses wanted eloquence. Take Aaron, your brother, with you. He can speak with eloquence, but he will not be empowered. The words for his eloquent speech will all have to come from you. You, Moses, will remain my mediator with Pharoah.

As members of the family of God, we all demure at times. We need someone else to shore us up to accomplish the task at hand. God may dislike the human failing of demurring , but His loving kindness  and goodness overcome it. He will bring a brother of sister along side, to help get the job done. I often teach a Women's Bible class with another. Our giftings are polar opposite, but she is much warmer and more outgoing than me. Together, the teaching that the Mediator loves to see happen in the church goes better. Human weaknesses? God has a solution. His Loving Kindness and Goodness can help any of us serve Him and how uplifting it is to see Him empower as only He can.

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days, all the days, of my life."
                                               Psalm 23

Look behind you, see Goodness, see Mercy. Help is on the way!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Bibledoorajar: Peaceful Order Through Humility

Moses had been given the first sign. Surely, he felt the authority of God that would be given to him over the evil imposed on His (his) people. Moses was being reassured that God's authority would be exercised in Egypt. But there is something about the authority of God for us to consider and learn with Moses. 1 Peter 5 tells us that God raises up authority in DUE TIME. We can never forget the human difficulties each of us carries in our hearts that must be addressed before God can act through us.  To show Moses this, God asked him to put his hand near his bosom. Near his heart, the hand turned leprous. Leprosy is that horrible disease that God uses over and over to help His own learn the true condition of their heart. In order to gain God's peaceful authority our pride must be cast down. In its' place comes wisdom, faith and holiness within us. We haven't always understood that this effect comes in due time not arriving when we think it should. God's ways remain forever, not our ways. But surely, humbled Moses, could begin to see that the difficulties that possibly could be faced in Pharoah's court could not be outmatched by God's appointed time! How firm did Moses have to believe that God could handle things that he could not? Very. Unbelief, distrust and lack of faith torture we humans and distract us from whom He really is in our lives. There would be no time for Moses to doubt or worry in the courts of Pharoah. He saw the hand immediately become leprous and he saw the hand immediately become healed. This must have had a calming effect on poor human Moses. God, Himself, would elevate him as Mediator for His people.

Years later, Jesus would refer to Himself, saying He had to be lifted up even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the Wilderness. He had to be accursed and cast all His cares for the future on the Father without whom He said He could do nothing. No pride, no ambition, just waiting on the Power of God. Folks, that's a peaceful producing consideration is it not? Like Esther of old, having done all by placing ourselves in the Hand of God we wait for Him and Him alone to lift us up.

Moses and Aaron would not be the only ones who would have to experience this lesson. Even Pharoah would hear:  "This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, so that they may worship me."

Pride and humility. One must give way to the other in the lives of those who follow the Lord. "I am thine O Lord, I have hear Thy call, and it told Thy love to me...."

Monday, May 4, 2015

Bibledoorajar: All Will Be Well, or No?

Moses is trying to grasp just what God is asking him to do exactly and how he is to do it. Like us, Moses has his eye on himself rather than God. Finally, God puts the focus back on Him. Moses is leaning on the staff that supported him as he roamed the desert. God asked him to throw his support down to the ground. When he did it became a snake and Moses backed away from it. Then God asked Moses to pick the snake up by the tail (what's your humanity saying about now?). When he did, the snake returned to being a staff from which Moses could gain support. The sign conveyed the message that the power of God would make all things well. Much more power than Moses's natural ability would be present in the court of the Pharoah. At least Moses had the intestinal fortitude to pick up the snake! Sometimes that's our problem. That old snake comes around and we don't have the fortitude to pick it up with God's help and watch our situation change. There's a saying about keeping your eye on the ball. For the Christian, our biggest challenge is keeping our eye on our God. We forget He is unchanging and just as able as He was on the day he commissioned Moses. The interesting thing is that God's assurance of all being well depended on Moses leaning not on his own staff but the support of God. Years later, King David would put it this way: "Thy rod and Thy staff, comfort me."

In Bible class yesterday, we were discussing the fact that Paul told Timothy that he had not been given a spirit of fear but of self-discipline. We Christians cannot afford to let human fear stop us in our tracks. We have the God-given ability to fear God and to discipline ourselves to make way for the deliverance and achievements that He intends. Sometimes this is a struggle. As Jacob of old, we wrestle within ourselves. Praise God when we come out on the "right side"!

This staff to serpent and back again was a powerful sign for Moses, but it would take two more to convince him to affirmatively answer the question: "Will all be well, or no? Isn't it great that God is mindful or us and takes the time to reveal himself? Paul told the Romans in chapter 10 that it is with their heart that they believe. Is your heart in it or no?