Next, Israel brought his son Napthali forward to hear about his future. Israel said this:
"Naphtali is a doe set free that gives beautiful words."
It is almost like Israel was saying to him that his clan was going to be mighty pretty and artsy too. And then you wait for the rest of their contribution like mightiness or boldness or... But nothing else was forthcoming. Just beautiful people who in the main would be artsy. Some of this tribe were used to supply the pretty parts of the temple but there is no mention of their ongoing commitment. As a matter of fact, artisans from Tyre had to be sent for to accomplish the major artistic accomplishments that God himself required. Beauty and artsiness can lean to vanity and perhaps Israel had a notion about Napthali's crowd. They never succeeded in capturing the land they were given in the Promised Land and they lived among pagan Gentiles. Their habitation ranged from the north down to the Sea of Galilee. When Deborah sent for Barak who was from this tribe to come and conquer the enemy, he would only go if she went into the battle with him. He was pretty; she got the honor. He is an example of how the tribe had their ups and downs with courage. Sound familiar?
Years later, Jesus started his ministry with disciples from this area and He preached and worked miracles there often. He got a little perturbed with their attitude despite their artfulness and beauty. He told them that if what He was saying had been said to the artisans of Tyre they would have surely repented. Exactly He said, "It will be bad for you Chorazin. It will be bad for you Bethsaida. I did many miracles in you. If those same miracles had happened in Tyre and Sidon, then those people in Tyre and Sidon would have changed their lives a long time ago. Those people would have worn sackcloth and put ashes on themselves to show that they were sorry for their sins"(Matthew 11). It's not all about beauty and flowery words. Here is what Isaiah said about the coming Messiah who would be born in that parched land.
"He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him"(Isaiah 53).
By the time the little babe born in that parched land (not much light) was grown his physical appearance was one of a beaten, whipped and bloody man. He wore no beautiful adornments, but He gave the ultimate gift of light through His wounds and bruises.. And with the eyes of faith we see the true beauty revealed there today. Thank you Father for Your wonderful gift of Love.
We have a beautiful little 20 month old spending the Holidays with us. My prayer for him is that he will by faith find the Beautiful One of God one day. Happy Holidays to all!