About Me
- Rebecca Pruet
- I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!
Monday, May 26, 2014
Bibledoorajar thanks God for freedom
Happy Memorial Day. Bibledoorajar will return next week. God bless America.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Bibledoorajar looks at Misplaced Hope
"Hope that has no guarantee of fulfillment is a false friend that comforts us a while with flattery and leaves us to our enemies. Expectation of a bright tomorrow when no such tomorrow can be ours will be bitterness compounded by despair in the day of the great reckoning."
A.W. Tozer
Last week we looked at Pharoah's misplaced hope in his wise men and magicians. His expectation was that the meaning of his dreams would be declared and he could rest assured that his tomorrows would be brighter. His troubled soul would be quieted. But a hope misplaced in the world and it's ways can only lead to disappointment and/or bitterness and anger. Yesterday in Bible class we were talking about that very issue. Looking to the world and its' thought can only be a one way street. Consider this Hindu proverb: "There is no disease like hope." The proverb rightly points out the error of worldly hope or hope misplaced. It has no guarantee even though over and over men and women seek its' comfort. Paul says to be in the world and drawing on its' wisdom is to be without hope and without God. So, what was so powerful about the hope Joseph put in God? The main point of it was that it was based on a covenant--an agreement between God and Abraham that was passed down through the patriarchs. It was not some loosely based report that was merely misplaced flimflams that can come from any direction leading to confusion and chaos. For Joseph, he held the covenant in his heart and his destiny was in the hands of God. Where are you placing yours? Is it based on a covenant given by God?
"Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. "
Ephesians 2:12
Jesus gives us new birth based on a new covenant that gives us complete hope in Christ. Give it some consideration today. If you have it, praise God. If you need it, seek it. It can be found.
Ephesians 2:12,
misplaced hope
Monday, May 12, 2014
Bibledoorajar Says Look, God Limited Pharoah's Wise Men!
"As a magician I promise never to reveal the secret of any illusion to a
non-magician, unless that one swears to uphold the Magician's Oath in
turn. I promise never to perform any illusion for any non-magician
without first practicing the effect until I can perform it well enough
to maintain the illusion of magic."
Magicians Oath for Professional Organization Membership
"Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,…" 2 Thessalonians 2:8,9
Pharoah's butler was alive and well and serving in the palace thanks to Joseph. But he had all but forgotten the one who asked to be remembered. But in the fulness of time, God moved in powerful ways to have Joseph emancipated from slavery. He did this by giving Pharoah dreams that he himself could not interpret. But never fear, Pharoah had all kinds of wise men dedicated to help him in situations such as this. And so they were summoned. Some scholars say that these men were magicians capable of sophisticated magic that makes people say, "how did they do that?" Others say that these men were connected to the occult and got they power from Satan and demons. It appears that both groups are right as clearly the passage quoted above indicates that Satan and his demons have the power to complete sighs and false wonders and that through practice men can create unbelievable illusions. But, we must never forget that God can use the most likely and the most unlikely events to bring about His will. "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord....He turns it wheresoever he will. Proverbs 21:1" Under these circumstances: prison, a pharoah's psychological distress, magicians and wise men, Joseph is to not only be delivered from prison but exalted to a high position in Pharoah's court. Pharoah's dreams? An instrument in the hands of God. Pharoah's magicians? Instruments in the hand of God. Pharoah's butler? An instrument in the hands of God.
Egypt, the center of all then known culture and learning? An instrument in the hands of God. The Egyptians may have known many secrets about the world and things in it, but the one who would bring true light to Pharoah's dreams was to be a man who feared God. Something to think about.
Magicians Oath for Professional Organization Membership
"Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,…" 2 Thessalonians 2:8,9
Pharoah's butler was alive and well and serving in the palace thanks to Joseph. But he had all but forgotten the one who asked to be remembered. But in the fulness of time, God moved in powerful ways to have Joseph emancipated from slavery. He did this by giving Pharoah dreams that he himself could not interpret. But never fear, Pharoah had all kinds of wise men dedicated to help him in situations such as this. And so they were summoned. Some scholars say that these men were magicians capable of sophisticated magic that makes people say, "how did they do that?" Others say that these men were connected to the occult and got they power from Satan and demons. It appears that both groups are right as clearly the passage quoted above indicates that Satan and his demons have the power to complete sighs and false wonders and that through practice men can create unbelievable illusions. But, we must never forget that God can use the most likely and the most unlikely events to bring about His will. "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord....He turns it wheresoever he will. Proverbs 21:1" Under these circumstances: prison, a pharoah's psychological distress, magicians and wise men, Joseph is to not only be delivered from prison but exalted to a high position in Pharoah's court. Pharoah's dreams? An instrument in the hands of God. Pharoah's magicians? Instruments in the hand of God. Pharoah's butler? An instrument in the hands of God.
Egypt, the center of all then known culture and learning? An instrument in the hands of God. The Egyptians may have known many secrets about the world and things in it, but the one who would bring true light to Pharoah's dreams was to be a man who feared God. Something to think about.
2 Thessalonians 2:8-9,
wise men
Monday, May 5, 2014
Bibledoorajar and Dreams
Joseph was bound in prison for something he did not do. In there with him were two miserable men. Both had had very vivid dreams the night before. And both of the men did not know what such a vivid dream meant. They were very tense and sad about not knowing the meaning. This was the first thing Joseph said to them: the interpretations will come from God and I will ask Him what they mean if you tell me about your dreams. Pharoah's butler started. His dream involved three grape vines entwined about his head and he took the grapes and squeezed them into a cup. Pharoah's baker then said he dreamed of having three baskets on his head and the top one was filled with baked goods. In the dreams, the butler was able to press the wine, fill the cup and place it into Pharoah's hand. But the birds came and ate the baker's baked goods and they never reached Pharoah's hand. To the butler, Joseph said the 3 vines symbolized three days and that at the end of that time period, the butler would be restored to full standing before the Pharoah. For this good report, Joseph asked to be remembered. However, to the baker, Joseph said that the three baskets were three days and at the end of the time period, his full standing before Pharoah would be forever cut off cursed by death.
It is said that if you want to see if someone's predictions are true, wait to see if they come true. Well, in this story the interpretations made by Joseph with God's help were spot on. Within three days the butler was back in good standing, but the baker reaped the curse of death. The butler was happy, but unfortunately he forgot to remember the one who gave him peace. Yesterday I took the Lord's Supper with fellow congregants. Thank God for the opportunity to remember the One who shed the blood that was pressed into the cup and that we symbolically drank. Our faith extended to the time at which He would bring us into full standing with the Father to be with Him always. But for those like the baker, who stand with their human works in their hands, expecting full restoration, beware, for human works will never fully restore. He that believes his own works will fully restore will be subject to damnation. Such a solemn reminder. Don't forget to remember the One who alone gives peace.
"Peace, Perfect Peace, in this dark world of sin, the blood of Jesus whispers peace within."
Edward Bickersteth, 1875
It is said that if you want to see if someone's predictions are true, wait to see if they come true. Well, in this story the interpretations made by Joseph with God's help were spot on. Within three days the butler was back in good standing, but the baker reaped the curse of death. The butler was happy, but unfortunately he forgot to remember the one who gave him peace. Yesterday I took the Lord's Supper with fellow congregants. Thank God for the opportunity to remember the One who shed the blood that was pressed into the cup and that we symbolically drank. Our faith extended to the time at which He would bring us into full standing with the Father to be with Him always. But for those like the baker, who stand with their human works in their hands, expecting full restoration, beware, for human works will never fully restore. He that believes his own works will fully restore will be subject to damnation. Such a solemn reminder. Don't forget to remember the One who alone gives peace.
"Peace, Perfect Peace, in this dark world of sin, the blood of Jesus whispers peace within."
Edward Bickersteth, 1875
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