Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Bibledoorajar: False Witness to False Imprisonment

Many of us grew up being taught or told the story of Joseph and his ill fortunes. In those children's stories, we knew Joseph was being mistreated but most of us did not grasp just how far the mistreatment went nor how great was his response in the midst of it. But Stephen made it clear during the time of trouble and persecution of the early church. Full of power, he reported on the source of the power of Joseph that allowed him to successfully endure even unto false imprisonment.

    "And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt; but God was with him, and released him out of all of his tribulations." (Acts 7). Stephen was experiencing significant trouble, but the one thing he remembered was God's promise to be with and deliver obedient ones (Deuteronomy 4:30). And, so, he likened his troubles to that of Joseph. We all seem to chafe at times in the midst of trouble telling our friends how troubling the events were. It is remarkable when one quietly, and in faith, endures without complaint. Nevertheless, troubles have a remarkable effect and have to be endured.
Joseph impressed folks like the official who ran the prison with his endurance and trust in God. Some were also impressed with the God who helped him. Two people were in prison with Joseph and both were watching him. It seems a butler and a baker had offended Pharoah and wound up in the same place as Joseph. We will see that Joseph was able to help one but not the other.

Jesus impressed many during His time of tribulations. One was a Roman official. At the cross, Jesus' greatest tribulation, He, too, was able to help one believing offender but not the other. How important is our continuing belief and obedience in the face of trouble? It is the root of our very salvation. Father, give us the strength to always be obedient ones even in the face of trouble--to NEVER forget that you are with us even unto the end.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Bibledoorajar Observes The Chase and Challenge

      "Challenge, and not desire, lies at the heart of seduction."
                                                   Jean Baudrillard    

Scholars tell us that sexual promiscuity was fairly common in Egypt. They also tell us that many of the Court officials were made eunuchs in order to ensure greater loyalty to the Pharoah and his purposes. So, we do not really know what all of the issues may have been that contributed to Potiphar's marital state nor what drove his wife to pursue Joseph. We do know that Joseph was one of the men that the Bible describes as handsome and that it was apparently necessary for him to work within the house of Potiphar. But this handsome fellow was always busy at work and never seemed to give Potiphar's wife the time of day! The challenge was on. Could she snare him?

Apparently she tried and tried but Joseph was having none of it. Finally, she was willing to grab him by his clothes to pull him in; Joseph was fast and he slipped out of his outer garment and fled in his undergarments. The challenge was foiled and now explanations and cover-ups had to occur. What she needed was some witnesses, even if they be false, so she called to other men working nearby. She enhanced her argument by not referring to Joseph by his name, but by calling him the Hebrew her husband had brought in to work. He was but a lowly Hebrew servant and who was he to get away with such an attempt made upon her? Could she find witnesses ruthless enough to bear false witness? Whatever she was able to pull off was apparently enough for her husband's anger to be kindled. But against whom? Joseph's name was not mentioned as the focus of the anger, but Potiphar obviously felt he must take some action anyway.  Attempted rape would have meant death usually, but Potiphar put Joseph in prison. Joseph offered no defense.

When the Greater Servant had thoroughly withstood all of the Hebrew officials attempts to discredit Him, they looked for witnesses whose testimony would end their chase and His life.

"Now the chief priests and the whole Council kept trying to obtain testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, and they were not finding any. For many were giving false testimony against Him, but their testimony was not consistent. Some stood up and began to give false testimony against Him.."  (Mark 14. He offered no defense.

Even, today, there are many who are willing to bear false witness against the Greater Servant and those who serve Him. Those willing to bear false witness have long existed and this kind of human failing led God to make bearing false witness a severe problem (find it listed as the 9th Commandment in Deuteronomy) even among His own people.  Ah, Lord, a word to the wise; help us remember.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bibledoorajar Views Temptation X 3

                                                 Photo by NewLife

“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.”
                                           Will Rogers

The wonderfully magnificent servant of Potiphar was all about his mission. His magnificence may not have been acknowledged by his brothers in Canaan, but Egypt was all about taking advantage of him and his abilities. As he worked, Potiphar's wife watched the "goodly man" (Genesis 39). She began to conceive a plan to have a sexual fling. After all, he was a slave/servant was he not? At her bidding, was he not? The more she looked, the more she realized how "well-favored" he was!  Her obsession had began.

"Lie with me"  :  Joseph refuses  39:7

Day by day she spoke to him about lying with her:  Joseph refused  vs. 10

And she caught him by his garment and said lie with me:  Joseph refused and fled:  vs. 12

Joseph's reasoning? To do so would be a great wickedness and a sin against God.

The Greater Magnificent Servant was also unacknowledged by his brothers and was a goodly man in a fallen world. The world was reaping benefits from His Work. But the Prince of the world was obsessed with getting Him to sin.

"If You are the Son of God command.." : "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every world that proceeds for the mouth of God."

"If You are the Son of God cast..." : "You shall not tempt the Lord thy God."

"All these things I will give you..."  : "Get thee hence, Satan..."

This reminds me of Paul's writing to Timothy about dealing with youthful lusts. His suggestion? RUN!  There is probably not a better suggestion.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bibledoorajar Follows the Magnificent Servant As he Works

Joseph was bought by Potiphar and immediately put into service. The Bible does not record what Potiphar put Joseph to doing at first. Perhaps in the fields because he was a shepherd boy. What Joseph started doing was not as important as this: God was with Joseph, and He blessed him. While being with his brothers he may have been on a downward route, but now Joseph is on the way up!

Everything Joseph did for his master turned out well. Magnificently well really.  So, Potiphar saw and said to himself: "Why don't I just let Joseph run everything--- all my operations?" And that's just what he did. He put him in charge of ALL that he owned and he was a rich man with many irons in the fire.
And God was with Joseph and God blessed Potiphar's house. Soon the Word says that all
Potiphar had to worry about was what he was going to eat! Now that's confidence in someone's ability and a growing respect for the God whom the young man said he served.

God sent a Greater Magnificent Servant who, as Joseph did in Egypt, gained authority in the earth through His work on the cross. How far would He be able to go with God's blessing? Could He handle the whole work of God?

Matthew 5:17-18 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.  I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished…”   Jesus Christ    Italics and underline mine.

Not the least thing! We can confidently set about our work for Him knowing that He will accomplish all. Yes, it might include fiery trials and that is something with which we have to come to grips using our greatest gift--- faith in the Magnificent Servant and the One who sent Him. He will be with us as we go anywhere to serve and give Him glory!

"Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone
Other friends may fail me, He is still my own
Though His hand may lead me over
dreariest ways
Anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise.

Anywhere, anywhere, any little fear
I'll never know
Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go"

                    Jessie Pounds and Helen Alexander