Good Food!!

Good Food!!

About Me

I am a retired VA employee who lives in Texas. I consider the characters of the Bible "family" as much as any I know or have known on earth. To be one of the Lord's beloved is the greatest thing I know. What good company!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bibledoorajar Watches Esther's God Inspired Plan Begin To Unfold

 "Jesus your name is power
Jesus your name is light
Jesus your name will break any stronghold
Jesus your name is light
Jesus your name is healing
Jesus your name is sight
Jesus your name will free every captive..."

Sung by Morris Chapman

     The Lord now moves forward to save His people from captivity; His servant dwells within the palace walls. Remember, Esther was a Benjamite and a candidate to claim the prophecy Moses had made over this tribe: "The BELOVED of the Lord shall dwell in SAFETY by Him, and the Lord shall COVER him all day long, and he shall STAND between His shoulders." I don't believe that every Benjamite walked this victory, but God had known Esther's ability to trust in Him even before He hid her within the palace. 
    Esther, not presuming on God but trusting Him to increase her peace and soundness of mind, now proceeds with her plan. The soundness of her plan lies in her trust in His ability to reveal to her what she needs to say and do. She also trusts her fellow Jews to be fasting and praying asking for the Father to help her know what to do.
     The apostle Paul spoke about the importance of this trust when he wrote to the Ephesians:
  "I keep asking that the God of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may
give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation
so that you may know Him better."

                                                                                    Ephesians 1:17

     I will keep asking the glorious Father of our glorious Lord, Jesus, to give each of my readers the glorious Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we can know them better and be able to trust in the Almighty for every increase we need in 2012. If you have experienced a loss, may you trust God to even out your life lanes and increase your ability to gain supernatural strength as you wait on Him (Isaiah 40:31).  Above all, I pray that each of us will pursue Him and His deliverance from our strongholds. Jesus, your Name holds it all. Thank you.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bibledoorajar Likes Esther's Plan

"But when you fast, put oil on your head
and wash your face, so that it will not
be obvious to others that you are
fasting, but only to your Father,
who is unseen; and your Father, who sees
in secret, will reward you."

Matthew 6: 17-18

     While Mordecai's appeal was done in a very external way, Esther now called on God's people to fast privately wherever they were located within the kingdom. She did not spend a lot of time worrying about the situation the people were in. Nor did she feel that if she and the people were zealous in being religious( an external fast), she would surely be safe as she went before the king. Rather, she wanted the people to go privately to God with a genuine repentance of any sin and a serious concern about their impending calamity. Esther knew that deliverance by God was essential but she did not ASSUME on God. She asked for the fast, and reported that she would go before the king even though she had no assurance that he would extend his scepter. Having no assurance the people were fasting, she concluded that she would ask for an audience with the king and if  "I perish, I perish."
     Esther was a smart lady. She knew that if the people's fast was not genuine her life was in peril. But she will forever be remembered for her courage take action on behalf of God's people. I applaud all Christians throughout the world who are taking brave actions, trusting that millions of their brothers and sisters are praying for their safety. I am challenged to pray more along these lines and to trust the God of Mordecai and Esther to move mightily in our time in history. How about you?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bibledoorajar Prays for All Believers Being Persecuted

"We had placed so much hope on the fact that
there was one place in Iraq where Christians
could find security and a future. That place was Dohuk.
Sadly, the violence in the last few days, this hope is
now gone. People are petrified and saying 'what happens
to us now?'
Faith shines a light into darkness, hope into despair, gives 
a future where there is no future."

Compass Direct News Report on Persecution of Believers in Iraq

     Esther has heard the full report from Mordecai and is well aware of the steps he has taken at the capital city gates. He and Esther both know that if a decree comes forth to harm the Jews it will have to come from the capital city. The palace within that capital city has been a safe place for Esther, a place where she has flourished and matured. But now, her thoughts are not just for herself. Her people scattered throughout the kingdom are asking the question 'what happens to us now?'
     While some Christians note the subtle changes going on in this country to secularize religion, at this time we still have the right to assemble and worship as we see fit. It is a wonderful gift of God and this Christian takes a moment to intercede for all those believers worldwide who are asking the question, 'what happens to us now?' May their pursuit of the God of glory and all the gifts given them by the Son in His death not only continue but gain ground. May they have courage even in trying difficulties and may their faith arise in dark places. May God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bibledoorajar appreciates Esther's Dilemma


Does Jesus care when my heart is pained.
Too deeply for mirth or song. As the burdens
press and the cares distress, And the way
grows weary and long.
Oh, yes, He cares, I know He cares!
His heart is touched with my grief.
When the days are weary, 
the long nights dreary, I know my
Savior cares.
Frank E. Graeff

Esther had participated in all the appropriate beauty treatments and had won the position of Queen. She had accepted the king's power, his authority and she had relinquished her will to his. But to go before the King in biblical times without being summoned often meant being executed. Her agonizing decision stood before her. She would surely bow before the king's scepter, but it had not been extended to her in thirty days. Mordecai had done his part and now he was encouraging her to do hers even though he admitted that as a Jewess she was vulnerable too. Would Esther forever be known just for her great beauty or would she also be known for being completely obedient to her adoptive father? Mordecai challenged Esther. She should not think that her people would live just because she was Queen. If she did nothing, Mordecai said evil would enlarge against her people such that they could not survive without God's help. Though Mordecai thoroughly believed that God would help His people another way if Esther did not help, he challenged her with this powerful thought.

"Who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom 
for such a time as this?"

     In other words, Esther must remember that God puts in place His will and it supersedes decrees made by earthy kings. If He was summoning her to do His will, Mordecai called for heroism. (Remember when God SUMMONED Cyrus of Persia and told him he had been selected before birth to do God's will in the world? See Isaiah 45: 1 ff.)
     Jesus has done and is doing His part. Could God have placed you in the Kingdom for such a time as this? If you are burdened too much for mirth or song, Jesus cares, but He is also calling for heroism. We have been summoned to serve. How are we doing? Maybe we need to make a plan. Esther did.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bibledoorajar transitions from 2011 to 2012

     By now, I hope all you readers have successfully transitioned to 2012. The last of our Christmas guests left on yesterday. At times our house was a home for Barbies and once a Barbie tea room. At other times, it was "Apt 4G" for us and two teenage girls. Our biggest transition for 2011 was a new second bathroom just in time for Christmas guests. It will continue to be a blessing in 2012 and beyond.

     Mordecai had a big transition take place in his life too. He spent a great deal of the eleven months on his knees in sackcloth and ashes pleading for his people. Esther had come to realize the deep meaning of his mission and had been affected by his sincere humility before God. But now, she sees Mordecai standing. He is erect, trusting for a better transition for his people, for a greater reward. He has placed the next part of the mission squarely in Esther's hands. If she succeeds, Mordecai's reward will be salvation and safety for his people when the troublesome eleven months have passed. How will she do? Will the people see a greater reward at the end of the eleven months?

"Time is filled with swift transition,
Naught of earth unmoved can stand,
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God's unchanging hand.

When you journey is completed,
If to God you have been true,
Fair and bright the home in glory
Your enraptured soul will view."
Lyrics by Jennie Wilson

"You have a mighty arm;
Strong is your hand, and high is your right hand...
Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound.
They walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance."
Psalms 89:13, 15